Early Access Badge game selection starts Monday 3/3/25 @ 7pm, and Regular Badge game selection starts Monday 3/10/25 @ 7pm.

Game Submissions Are Now Closed

Rising Phoenix GameCon has chosen to use TableTop Events for our Event Submissions and Registration. This is a tried and true system specifically designed for gaming conventions and we’ve found it to be fairly user-friendly for our attendees. Anyone attending Rising Phoenix GameCon will need to create a Table Top Events Account. Please visit https://tabletop.events/ Go to LOGIN at the top of the page and it will direct you to a login or create an account page. 


Badge Purchasing will open on 11-18-2024.  Badge Purchasing for All patrons Badges that will allow them to attend. Also, patrons can purchase badges for other attendees.

Badges will be on sale November 18, 2024 through April 7, 2025 @noon after which time badge sales will close and reopen at the Convention registration desk at door prices. Please be sure to thoroughly read our COVID-19 policy, our Code of Conduct, and Waiver before you decide to run games or purchase a badge.

Important! Badges include access to all events (except specially priced events, which will incur additional charges) and all convention areas, including the Vendor rooms, RPG Halls, Organized RPG Play Rooms, Board Game Tournaments and Events, Open Gaming Area with Library, Miniatures Area, Panels and Seminars room, Games for Youth and younger children, and Events available for all to experience.

Attendee ticket selections through TTE for seat reservations in specific games will open on 3-10-2025 @ 7pm thru 4-14-2025 along with full event listings.

There will be a limited number of Early Access Badges for sale. Early Access badges allow the purchaser to make ticket selections one week before tickets become available to all attendees. Early access badges are only for weekend badges and at an additional cost of $25 per badge. Early access ticket selection for seat reservations will open on 3-3-2025 at 7 p.m. and last through 4-14-2025.

All Badges will be available for pick-up onsite at the registration desk.  Table Top Events online accepts all major credit cards. Badge fees are passed on to the attendee and are in addition to Badge costs. PayPal is not used at this time.

Youth Badges are for young players 8-15 years old. Youth badges must be purchased by an accompanying adult. We will have an assortment of board games and RPGs for the up-and-coming gamers in our community!

Small children (under 8) will be admitted free of charge when accompanied by an adult. We will have a small selection of events for these young Lords and Ladies to participate in. Special badges will be issued to these special attendees.

Below is a table of rates for Pre-Reg and at the Door:

Pricing For Badges 2025


Game Submissions are Closed for 2025

For Game Masters: You can submit your events through the online TTE system from 11-11-2024 to 2-24-2025 in which you input important information for your players such as time, date, system, title, description, etc. You will receive an email letting you know if your event has been accepted by the Convention Staff and slated for a table assignment. If declined, you will be notified to changes that are needed or the reason for the decline. We will endeavor to get you a response to submissions within 2 weeks, if you haven’t heard back by then, please inquire at [email protected]

For RPGs you must follow our suggested game slots to maximize table usage at the con. The time slots are Friday and Saturday 8 am-12noon, 1 pm-5 pm, 7 pm-11 pm, and 11:30pm+(only for special events), on Sunday there will be an 8 am-12noon, 10 am-2 pm and 1 pm-5 pm, as many patrons plan on leaving early afternoon. You can submit a game in an off-hour slot (ex, 3 pm-7 pm) but it will fall to the end of table assignment and only if there is room at the end of assignments will it be approved.

Each event must be submitted separately but you can copy and paste the same event into multiple time slots if you wish to run it more than once.

Special events such as Multi-table RPG events, Panels, Board Game Tournaments, and Miniatures Tournaments can be inputted with assistance from our staff, to submit special events please contact the Convention Staff at [email protected]

RPG organized play is Only for the Organized Play Event Coordinators. If you are running a Pathfinder or D&D 5E that is a single event and not used as part of the organized play events, please do not list it here.

As a version of a FAQ here is the GM Orientation Zoom we had in 2022. There will be another one this year March 10th, 2025!

Volunteer and Game Master Reimbursement Programs

Rising Phoenix GameCon (RPGCon) values its Volunteers and Game Hosts first and foremost. Without these stalwart heroes the Convention could not exist. Hence, we have developed a program for Reimbursement for time spent both lending a hand and running events at RPGCon. 

 Changes to our GM and Volunteer Reimbursement policy 

Game Hosts

As of 2025, All RPG Game Masters, Board Game Hosts, and Panel Hosts who submit approved events and run 12 hours of events will receive a free Weekend Registration Badge.

Any attendee that runs more than 12 hours of events will receive Golden Phoenixes (GPs) at the rate of 1 for 2 hours for additional time over 12 hours. These are redeemable for awesome swag in our Hoard Treasure Room and will be attached to your Badge or picked up at Registration.

Any attendee who submits approved events of less than 12 hours will need to purchase a badge to attend, but they will receive Golden Phoenixes (GPs) at the rate of 1 per 2 hours. These are redeemable for awesome swag in our Hoard Treasure Room and will be attached to your purchased Badge at Registration.

All Guests and Vendors of the Convention are not eligible for the program.


A volunteer is an attendee who gives a minimum of 4 hours of their time to the convention for scheduling. For every 4 hours of volunteer time, they will receive a free 1 day badge. (i.e. 8 hours- 2 days, 12 hours-3days)

For each 4 hours a volunteer is scheduled they will receive 1 day of meals in the Green room.

All Volunteers who give more than 12 hours of their time to the Convention will receive a free Weekend Registration Badge, a sleep space for 2 nights in a group room, a T-shirt and will receive 1 free event pick in Early Access selection. (These picks must be sent to the Volunteer Coordinator for manual entry 1 week before Early Access goes live on 3-10-2025.)

All Volunteers will receive Golden Phoenixes (GPs) at the rate of 1 for every 2 hours of volunteering for all their scheduled volunteer hours over the weekend.

Long Term Perks: Game Master Level Pins

We have created a fun program by which Game Hosts of any type of game or event can Level Up with Us!

GMs receive Level Pins as they begin their climb to fame, starting with a GM Level 1 Pin when you run your first event,  gaining skill just like a character in a game. Once you run 16 hours of events you attain your 2nd level pin and gain fame from there.  As time goes on, special perks will be awarded to GMs who have reached level caps.

Every hour you run a game, sit on a panel, host a boardgame earns you 100 XP towards your GM Level. As in gaming, higher levels are more difficult to reach. Every level will entitle you to new benefits and perks. Below is the XP for the first 5 levels. We will be adding a page on the website with everyone’s XP totals so you will know where you stand from year to year. We have new GMs start climbing levels every year and several GMs have been working hard on obtaining the highest level they can. Join in  the fun!