Each year Rising Phoenix Game Convention partners with a school or club to provide the opportunity for young gamers (“Phoenix fledglings”) to enjoy a day as special VIPs at our convention! We built this program to foster access to the gaming community for the next generation! This program is about showing the young gamers, who may otherwise not have the opportunity, that there is a large community of people who share their interests, that they have a place where they belong in those interests and to have fun! Hopefully it will bring lifelong friendships and support as it has done for us.
They get their first real convention experience, play games run just for them, and get to meet and interact with cool GMs, gamers, and vendors (i.e. us).
We cover their badge, hand them a tee shirt, feed them lunch, and give them spending money for the vendor hall. We get to share our love of gaming and enjoy their enthusiasm. (Seriously, it’s amazing.)
We are looking for groups of 6-8 young gamers between the ages of 13-18 who currently play role playing games together. Our convention is located in Milford, MA so transportation would need to be provided by the group and accommodations are not included (this sponsorship is for a day trip only).
This year’s sponsorship day will be on Friday April 25th. The day will start at 8:30am and end at approximately 5pm. A director of the convention will be with the group through the entire day but we also require one or two adult chaperone(s) to attend as well.
There will be a hard deadline for permission slips to be returned by March 8th, 2025 to facilitate the badge generation for the children and their chaperone(s). Up to 2 chaperones will receive a free badge for the day.
Do you want to help make this program a success? Consider submitting your group for consideration. If you have any questions about this program please feel free to contact [email protected].
Submissions are closed at this time.