Organized Play at RPG Con 2025

Rising Phoenix GameCon is happy to announce D&D Adventurers League, Esper Genesis Crucible Corps and Paizo Organized Play Groups.

Froghelmet Games  jumps into the melee at Rising Phoenix GameCon running 4-5 tables of D&D Adventurers League (D&D AL) and Esper Genesis Crucible Corps (EGCC) all weekend!

The D&D2024 Organized Play Group led by Ted Atkinson and Derek DaSilva will be running games all weekend! Players of all experience levels are welcome. Players will find opportunities to play at Adventures League Season 5 tables and Moonshae Isles: Malefic Delusions adventures!

On Saturday at 1pm they will be offering the multi-table interactive D&D AL Epic MOONEP-OD-01 THE OCCUPATION OF CAER CORWELL. This event will feature opportunities for re-roll donations with proceeds going to support Take This, a non-profit charity promoting mental health initiatives in all gaming spaces. You can join their mailing list at and reach out with questions to [email protected]

The Grey Corsairs of North Shore will be kicking down the doors again at Rising Phoenix GameCon to bring you 6-7 tables all weekend of 2nd edition Pathfinder and Starfinder Games!

This Paizo Organized Play Group led by Venture Captain Lucas Servideo will be running games all weekend! Join them and start a new character or level your existing character! There will be special tables for Pathfinder and Starfinder Quests, new players, new gamers, young players and 4 tables of full 4-hour modules run all weekend.

Play in the new Society Special #6-00 Salt of the Ocean, running on all 7 tables on Saturday at 7pm!    Check out our great lineup and get your Badge now to assure your seat to high adventure!

Sign up now at: 

Rising Phoenix GameCon April 25-27, 2025 at the Milford Doubletree in Milford, MA