News! Notice of Upcoming Game Selection!

First, a reminder that game selection will begin soon.

Early Access Ticket Selection for Seat Reservations will begin March 6, 2023 at 7pm.

General Access Ticket Selection for Seat Reservations will begin on March 13, 2023 at 7pm.

Ticket selection will remain open until April 7, 2023 and reopen at the Convention.

All attendees, whether Game Masters, Volunteers, or Players will need to purchase their badge from TTE and register to attend. After the convention is over, you will be able to apply the time you spent running games or helping out to offset the cost of your registration or purchase cool swag and other great perks.

Rising Phoenix reimburses our Game Masters and Volunteers at a rate of $5.00 or 1 Golden Phoenix (GP) for every 2 hours of their time. You have 2 options on how to apply your credit.

  1. A direct refund after the con to your account, which will be processed in the week after the Convention.
  2. You can go to registration or our Vendor booth and collect Golden Phoenix Swag Cards for use in our Treasure Room. We have amassed quite a Phoenix’s Hoard of Board Games, RPG Accessories and other cool swag. You can trade your GPs for items during the Con. The Treasure Room will be open during the hours of the Vendor hall, except Sunday when we will stay open until 5pm.

We will be handing out GP’s during the Convention as well, during games, and at other times. Maybe there will even be some contests of gaming knowledge and skill where you can amass your GPs to spend!

Lastly, I would like to remind everyone that Covid Vaccination cards are needed to attend or a pre-arranged exception through our Safety Officer. Please be sure to bring your card or a photocopy to show when you arrive. We would hate to send someone home to get their card. Thanks!