Rising Phoenix GameCon Vendor Policies

General Rules and Regulations

The goal of Rising Phoenix Game Convention is to have a safe and successful convention for all our patrons. We have established the following rules and procedures for our vendors to keep to our collective goals. Standards, policies and rules must be adhered to by all to make our convention safe and fun for everyone. Be sure to read ALL the information below and by signing at the end (or digitally) you agree to abide by these rules.

  1. Vendors must comply with, and be bound by, all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the Country, State, County, City, and Facility (hotel) and whenever applicable all police and fire departments.
  1. No Vendor or member of their staff may promote, display or behave in a manner considered offensive to decency and good taste, as determined by Rising Phoenix Game Convention Staff (see Standards Below).
  1. Vendors can only sell at their booths during Vendor Hours. Violation of this may result in the vendor and its registered employees being removed from the Convention.
  1. Distribution of informational pamphlets, handbills and the like is only permitted at the company’s booth or at an event sponsored by the Vendor.
  1. No material may be posted on the walls, fixtures or furniture, any violation and the vendor will be responsible for all fees and damages involved in the removal of such by staff.
  1. Booths and exhibits must be staffed at all hours of operation by authorized company staff personnel.
  1. Vendor must confine their demonstrations and activities to their Vendor Booth space. Aisles must not be obstructed at any time. Blocking traffic and access in any way is a violation of Fire Code and will be asked to move. Continued instances will result in removal from the Convention.
  1. Vendors cannot play music without proper license for copyrighted music. Volume must be kept appropriate as not to disturb other Vendors or patrons.
  1. Vendors (and Attendees) are expressly prohibited from carrying weapons or true-to-life weapon replicas. Any items in this classification that are sold by a vendor must be secured to table for display and if sold to an attendee must be wrapped and packaged securely so that no edges are exposed.
  1. The Vendor Room will be closed at appointed times, no vendors are allowed into the hall other than during setup, or 1 hour before on subsequent business days. Please be sure to take all your valuables and any personal items with you. In an emergency, please contact Rising Phoenix Game Convention Staff to arrange to be escorted into the Vendor Room.
  1. Raffles and Games of Chance: Federal Law prohibits games of chance in which a fee is paid specifically for the opportunity to receive an item of worth. Games of chance are only permitted as a free giveaway or promotion. Under State law, raffles are illegal unless they involve an element of skill, such as answering a question or equivalent. Violators will be asked to cease immediately and could be asked to leave the convention.
  1. Vendors cannot remove exhibits or displays prior to the official close of the Vendor Hall at the end of the Convention and must remain open until closing on the final day. Any Vendor breaking down early will be fined $50 per table. In addition, all displays must be dismantled completely at the end of the Convention and removed by the Vendor before 5 pm on Sunday. Any vendor displays or decorations left up will incur a $50 removal fee and may incur additional fees by the Hotel.
  1. All exhibit decorations and signage must meet both Rising Phoenix Game Convention approval and fire standards of City ordinances. Certificate of fire safety must be shown on request.
  1. All electrical equipment and wiring brought by Vendor must conform to National and State Electrical Standards.

Standards of Conduct and Product, Vendors

No Vendor or member of their staff may promote, display or behave in a manner considered offensive to decency and good taste, as determined by Rising Phoenix Game Convention Staff. This is a family event and must be appropriate for all ages.

  1. Profanity- The gratuitous use of profanity and symbols considered vulgar by contemporary standards of a product’s target market is not acceptable unless integral to a character story. At the sole discretion of the Event Management, such material may not be advertised, displayed or sold at Rising Phoenix Game Convention.
  1. Violence and Gore- Products depicting lurid scenes of excessive bloodshed, gory or gruesome crimes, depravity, lust, filth, sadism or masochism, presented editorially or graphically, are unacceptable. Products featuring depictions of unnecessary violence, brutality, physical agony, and gore, including but not limited to, extreme graphic or descriptive scenes presenting cannibalism, decapitation, evisceration, amputation or other gory injuries, may not be advertised, displayed or sold.
  1. Sexual Themes- Displays containing items and/or sexual themes are not permitted. Products depicting rape and graphic lust may not be advertised or sold. Products featuring sexual perversion and/or sexual abnormalities are unacceptable for advertising, display or sale.
  1. Nudity- Displays or advertising containing nudity are not acceptable. Degrading or salacious displays are unacceptable. Explicit depictions or facsimiles of reproductive organs or sexual acts of any kind are not permitted.
  1. Affliction- Advertising or selling items containing disparaging graphic or editorial references to physical afflictions, handicaps, or deformities are not permitted.
  1. Supremacy- Advertising or selling products that depict minority and/or nationalities as inferior to other races is not permitted.
  1. Religion and Mythology- Actual, current religions are not to be depicted, ridiculed, or attacked in any way that promotes disrespect. Ancient or mythological religions, such as those prevalent in ancient Greek, Roman and Norse societies, may be portrayed in their historic roles. Satanic symbols, ritual and phrases are not permitted in any advertisements or displays.
  1. Addictions- Addictions of any kind should not be presented as glamorous or entertaining. Addiction or the encouragement of addiction should be shown as a dangerous habit with harmful effects.
  1. Wearing and Selling Costumes or Weapons- Advertising, wearing and selling costumes is permitted if they are in good taste and do not present a hazard to others such as sharp edges or protrusions (measured by contemporary standards/values and will be evaluated by Convention Staff upon entering the Convention). All twentieth and twenty-first century military costumes or uniforms are prohibited from the convention. Uniforms of those currently on active duty in the military are exempt, assuming they are properly attired. No one may carry weapons or weapon replicas. Weapons for sale must be inoperable and/or locked and /or encased and/or have a limited range of motion so that customers do not have access to them.
  1. Video, Audio, and Licensed reproductions- Vendors must be officially licensed to sell licensed media of any kind. Sales of reproductions (bootlegs) will not be tolerated.
  1. Compliance- All Vendors are obligated to comply with these standards. Failure to comply will result in the refusal of advertising materials, alteration or removal of the unacceptable products/activities or closure of non-complying exhibits/displays. In this case, no refunds will be issued or exhibit space or badges.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Companies, organizations, or individuals selling or promoting products or services at Rising Phoenix Game Convention must rent exhibit space and must confine such activities to the space so rented. Exceptions to this requirement must be obtained in writing from Rising Phoenix Game Convention prior to the start of the convention.
  1. All Vendors must complete and send in an application form. Vendor requests for booth rentals will be assigned on a first-come, first serve basis and based on the needs of the Convention and the information on the vendor application. If booking becomes unavailable due to a lack of Vendor Space, a waiting list will be complied and if space becomes available, vendors placed on the waitlist will be notified of openings in the order they submitted their request for space.
  1. Vendor space will be assigned as detailed under “Vendor Information” in the Vendor Packet and according to the preferences indicated by each applicant. Rising Phoenix Game Convention decisions about Vendor assignments and Vendor Hall locations are final and binding.
  1. The Vendor rental fee for each booth is described in “Vendor Booth Costs”. Upon receiving a Vendor Application, it will be processed by the Vendor Committee. Prospective Vendors will receive a confirmation of your booth space. Final payment is due to the convention by March 1, 2023, and if the final payment is not received by this date, the Vendor booth may be reassigned. Deposit money will only be refunded after the Convention if the booth was reassigned, if not, any deposit monies will be forfeited. We suggest any cancellations are made as early as possible to increase the chances of re-renting the vendor space. Cancellations must be made via email or letter.
  1. As noted in the Standards section, Rising Phoenix Game Convention reserves the right to require the removal of any item or activity in the Vendor area that is found objectionable or offensive to patrons and shall not be held liable for the consequences of this action.
  1. Vendors may not assign or rent out any portion of their Vendor Space without prior consent and the procedure for sharing a booth is outlined in “Vendor Booth Payments and Policies”.
  1. No items which could be construed as dangerous in a closed environment such as helium balloons or flammable liquids are allowed to be used for displays or sale.
  1. Vendors agree to abide by prize redemption, coupon promotions and promotions that they have advertised for the Convention.
  1. Vendors must deliver to Rising Phoenix Game Convention their application, their Massachusetts tax ID number, and insurance information if applicable.
  1. Vendors are solely responsible for paying all applicable taxes whether city, state, or federal, on all sales and promotional programs.
  1. Rising Phoenix Game Convention is not responsible for any injuries to Vendor’s agents or employees or damage or theft of property from any cause prior to, from, or subsequent to Rising Phoenix Game Convention. Vendors do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Rising Phoenix Game Convention against any claims for loss, damage or injury.
  1. Vendors are required to insure their own exhibits and display materials. In the event that Rising Phoenix Game Convention or the owners of the Convention shall be held liable for any reason that might result from a Vendor’s action or failure to act in any manner whatsoever, said Vendors shall reimburse Rising Phoenix Game Convention and /or the Convention site owners for all costs and liability resulting therefrom.
  1. Vendors are fully responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to the Convention Site Owner (Hotel).
  1. Vendors are liable to the Convention Services Firm for any and all damage, from whatever cause, to rented or leased booth equipment and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Rising Phoenix Game Convention against any and all claims or suits for damage.
  1. Rising Phoenix Game Convention reserves the right to cancel arrangements or contracts or close a Vendor Booth whenever it is deemed necessary for the safety of the patrons of the Rising Phoenix Game Convention whenever an exhibit, activity or material sold is objectionable or offensive to our average patron whenever legal conditions, convention policies, or requirements of the convention site so dictate or whatever portions of the convention site are damaged or destroyed. Likewise, Rising Phoenix Game Convention reserves the right to cancel arrangements, contracts, and exhibits if Rising Phoenix Game Convention fails to take place as scheduled, is interrupted and/or discontinued, or access to premises is prevented or interfered with by reason of any strike, lockout, the act of war, an act of God, declared emergency by Governmental agency or the management of Rising Phoenix Game Convention or for any other reason that terminates the contract. In the event of such termination, Vendors waive all claims of damages and agree that the sole liability of Rising Phoenix Game Convention shall be the display space rental fee paid, less a pro-rated portion of all costs and expenses incurred and committed to by Rising Phoenix Game Convention Event Management.
  1. Rising Phoenix Game Convention reserves the right of editorial discretion over any material submitted to the Rising Phoenix Game Convention that is deemed objectionable to the average person attending Rising Phoenix Game Con. Vendors must meet the Rising Phoenix Game Convention Event Management Standards of Good Taste (see Standards of Conduct and Product).
  1. Vendors will comply with all laws of the United States as well as all applicable state or local ordinances, rules, and requirements of police and fire departments or other authorities of such jurisdictions will obtain all necessary permits and licenses with respect to their activities and will not do or suffer to be done anything during the term of this agreement in violation of any such laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations. If the attention of said Vendors is called to any such violation committed by said Vendors or committed by any person employed by or admitted to the premises by said vendors, said Vendors will immediately desist and correct, or cause to be corrected, such violation. Vendors agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Rising Phoenix Game Convention from any and all costs, suits, and legal proceedings alleging violations of any such law or regulations.
  1. Use of any product by any Vendor, employee, or agent thereof containing the Rising Phoenix Game Convention trademark, the logo, type, or other trademarks owned by Rising Phoenix Game Convention is prohibited without the express written permission of Rising Phoenix Game Convention. Vendors agree that if any material making such unauthorized use appears at the convention Rising Phoenix Game Convention shall have the right to take possession of and destroy all such materials, as well as to pursue other available legal remedies.
  1. All matters and questions not covered by this application and these terms are subject to the decision of Rising Phoenix Game Convention Event Management. Vendors agree to abide by and conform to all additional rules and regulations from time to time adopted or prescribed by the Rising Phoenix Game Convention for the management of the Rising Phoenix Game Convention and the exhibit areas. Vendors acknowledge that they have read the proceeding terms and conditions, expressly agree to comply with them, and authorize Rising Phoenix Game Convention to enforce them.

To download a printable copy of these rules please click here.